Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Shopping during an economic downturn?


Everywhere you read, it is doom and doom and gloom, sigh! There seems to be no end in sight. Banks are closing, companies are retrenching and countries are declaring bankrupt. But, and that is a big BUT, we still have to go on living and eating, if not we will die, period.

What do you buy during an economic downturn? Where should you place your dire-straits dollars and cents? How do you stretch the mighty ringgit? Well, that calls for innovation and some homework.

There is this pretty neat site for all your online shopping needs that actually does all the searching for you. It is some sort of Google shopping search engine that seeks out all the stores in cyberspace and brings to your home the best shopping details for you to make a neat decision. In these troubled times, one cannot afford the luxury of paying more for the similar item that can be purchased cheaper elsewhere.

Also, one would rather shop for the daily necessities such as children’s clothing, books, or other stuff that your growing kids cannot do without. Maybe and occasional toy for good behavior but expensive toys is a no-no.

So shop wisely, plan your shopping needs, go for the best deals and compare prices by doing some homework. Wishing you all the best to overcome this dreadful recession.

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