Thursday, March 27, 2008

World Silent Day...!?!?

This report came out in The Star paper just recently:

"PETALING JAYA: All Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) staff will turn off all their electronic appliances for two-and-a-half hours today ."

I wonder what is the significance of World Silent Day. Apparently its a 'golden moment to provide the mother earth a day of rest from the assault of humankind'


I do agree every now and then we should take time to examine our role on this planet as caretaker of it. That is a fine thing to do as it realigns our priorities not only to suit ourselves, but also to our surroundings.

However I believe there are proper ways to do so. Perhaps the proper way the MQA could pay homage to this day would be to stick up posters about the cause all over their office board space. Or perhaps if they honestly strongly believe in honoring the day, they could encourage their friends to take a step back and think.

Shutting off all electrical appliances for two and a half hours? How does that equate to providing mother earth with a day of rest? I can foresee workers taking the extra 2 and a half hours time off to minum kopi at the nearest mamak. Most likely to be chatting their time away. I don't think anyone would retreat into solitude and reflect man's position on earth.

And how does electrical appliances equals the assault of humankind? Are you saying that technology, including your computer, calculator, fax machine and what nots, is mother earth's bane? Now every GP student would jump at the direct assumption here and point out that its the USE of technology and ultimately the USER of technology that is hurting mother earth. Perhaps if we really wanted to raise awareness of our 'assault' it'd be better if we could, perhaps, use less paper? Set up a recycling area?

How does silence help to preserve mother earth anyway. I always thought what we needed was louder voices to knock some sense into some polluter's head, or to pressure them at least. Perhaps they are seeking a new angle? Instead of noisy demonstrations, do the opposite? Be silent? Perhaps that will catch their attention? However the outcome of such is unmeasurable. How do you know your two and a half hours of silence has managed to help raise environmental awareness? In my opinion, all turning off your machines manages to accomplish is a lost of productivity for those two and a half hours.
I think this approach is entirely more symbolic than anything else. Sadly, another case of a noble goal with a silly plan to achieve such.

However having said all that, I believe that every action taken to promote environmental responsibility, no matter how silly or how small the action is, should be encouraged. After all, turning off your machines to respect mother earth is better than not giving a damn about mother earth at all.

And to digress a little, I also believe silence, or more specifically solitude, is a virtue to be practiced by everyone once in a while at the proper time in the proper manner.

In solitude, we are least alone.
Lord Byron

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